“Tumble Weave” (EXCLUSIVE) Interview with Andreia Solomon Burke

2023 November 22

“Tumble Weave” (EXCLUSIVE) Interview with Andreia Solomon Burke

-Who is Andreia Solomon Burke?

This is a difficult question only because I am still learning who I am. When I have private talks with myself, I never feel like I have accomplished anything, but when I hear what other people think of me, I’m like … wow, I don’t give myself enough credit. I’m so complex yet simple at the same time. Complex in the sense that I’m never fully satisfied with where I’m at because I know that there is so much more to life and I’m constantly trying to get there, but simple in a way that sitting by the sea in my favourite café with a coffee and my thoughts is so satisfying.

However, I must say, that after my husband was deported to the UK, his birth country, I realised how much inner strength I had. My head swirled every day from different dilemmas, my husband was in a country that he hasn’t lived in for over thirty-years; our daughters were traumatised, but I had to keep moving as if nothing happened.

Eventually, we joined my husband in the UK, and this afforded me the opportunity to delve into my creative side. Since living in the UK, I have written two novels, five scripts and directed two award-winning short films under my family’s production company, A Fave Five Films Ltd.

But the true essence of who Andreia Solomon Burke is… I love my family and extended family tremendously, and although it may sound cliché, everything I do is for them.

-What inspired you to become a filmmaker?

After writing my first novel, Relay-tionships, the thirst was on for me to become a filmmaker. I have such a vivid imagination that every page I wrote I saw the scenery, the characters, and at times even fell in and out of love with the characters. From then I was on a mission to get the film made. I wrote the screenplay and have never given up on that dream.

-Do you think the cinema can bring a change in the society?

Being completely honest… if the major studios keep churning out films with the repetitive car chase, shootout in the middle of the street, and massive explosion type films, I’m afraid the answer is no. There was a time when going to the cinema was a huge deal, the buildup of the films leading up to its release day was incredible. You saved your money because you dare not be the person who didn’t see the film.

We must return to the art of true storytelling, then, we might be hopeful that films can influence society in a positive way.

-What would you change in the world?

I’d like to take ‘I Don’t Have a Clue, for 200, Alex. But no, seriously… racism, erroneous perceptions of women of colour, paygrades for teachers, healthcare workers and finally, the retirement age for senior citizens.

-Where do you see the film industry going in the next 100 years?

I pray that it’s still around. In the era of Netflix & Chill and the multitude of steaming services it’s scary to think where cinema will be in 25 years from now, let alone 100. This isn’t to say that most steaming services don’t have anything to offer, but it’s changed the industry tremendously.

Live action films have become preposterously expensive to make, even with animation films grossing vastly more than live action films. We have moved away from the beauty of films and how they used to make us feel and it would be amazing to go back to those times.