“La Mision Encantada” (EXCLUSIVE) Interview with Marta Torres

2023 August 29

“La Mision Encantada” (EXCLUSIVE) Interview with Marta Torres

-Who is Marta Torres?

A passionate Actress and writer who produces and directs in her own films and loves participating as well of that of others.

-What inspired you to become a filmmaker? 

On the one hand my inspiration comes from my mother and her poetical view of the the world. On the other, my Father and his passion for Italian cinema (particularly that of the sixties) is a big inspiration. My thoughts about life, death and the immortality of art are always present in my work. Charles Chaplin, is perhaps the artist, who most inspired me to do what I do. The intelligence with which he is able to touch the heart of his audience. The depth,  passion and commitment displayed in his movies is something I find very compelling.

-Do you think cinema can bring a change in society?

Cinema is a political art form even when, on the surface, it may appear to be simply entertainment. It is impossible to “un-watch” something. The time spent viewing a film can sometimes influence the subconscious and therefore change any given perception. 

-What would you change in the world?

I would invite people in general to be more respectful of our shared communal history (ancestors civilizations such as Indigenous, African, Hellenistic). To appreciate the millenniums it took to build up such a wealth of knowledge. To demonstrate an utmost consideration of the interconnection of all living beings. Such that that the prevailing set of patriarchic values will organically become unsustainable. We will therefore come to truly value nature, and naturally care about our environment and relationships. I would invite people to stay more present in real life also, instead of virtual interactions. 

-Where do you see the film industry going in the next 100 years?

The film industry is as robust and as beautifully crafted as all of the arts. For many years now there are those who have stated (with absolute conviction) that the theatre is a “dying” art. However, it remains (and forever will remain) one of humanity’s greatest pleasures. The same is so abundantly true of the film industry. The art of story telling (through moving images and sound) will always remain relevant  as long as it is able to surprise the spectator. Technology is just a tool. Life is richer than any artificial intelligence may imagine it to be. AI is good at chess but it could have never (and did not) invent the game. I will live the next 100 years playing my role in the artistic positivity.