“Appointment with The Plague Doctor, Lester Haywood” (EXCLUSIVE) Interview with L. S. Strange

2023 October 26

“Appointment with The Plague Doctor, Lester Haywood” (EXCLUSIVE) Interview with L. S. Strange

-Who is L. S. Strange?

As residents of the state of Colorado, we enjoy camping in the Rocky Mountains and exploring historic locations, including cemeteries.  We are a husband and wife writing team crafting stories and film works in the horror, mystery, thriller, and science fiction genres.   Our horror film, novels and short stories, based in Colorado, provide a tantalizing escape. 

-What inspired you to become a filmmaker?

After taking still shots for posters and merchandise of our original recently created horror character, ‘The Plague Doctor, Lester Haywood’, we wanted to literally bring him to life. This inspired us to go to a location and begin filming. Easy in concept but not application. The character of Lester Haywood is thought to be folklore from the American Old West and seeks out those who doubt he exists.  Non-believers transcend time and dimension as Lester administers his warped sense of justice.  Then we wondered, ‘how could we do that?’ Having a zero-budget film provided a whole new level of challenges.  We expected a member of the production team or cast to ask us, “did you fall and hit your head?” Overcoming these hurdles was extremely rewarding. Seeing our character come to life motivated us to pursue additional projects beginning with a full-length horror feature of The Plague Doctor, Lester Haywood.  Currently our team is gathering resources to move forward with scripting and production.  We are also pitching a television series based on the short stories from our book, ‘Normal Thoughts From A Strange Mind Volume I’. 

-Do you think the cinema can bring a change in the society?

Yes. Everything a person experiences impacts them, sometimes good, sometimes bad.  Films provide entertainment, an escape from daily stress that hopefully results in a long-lasting effect on their lives.  Films also provide educational opportunities so that real life monstrous actions become the hallmarks of unacceptable behaviors.

-What would you change in the world?

We would change it so that humanity would rise to a higher level of love, empathy and compassion.  Pushing past deep seeded bias to break restrictive boundaries so that the value of family is strengthened, and a kid can be a kid without the burden of adult woes.  So that we look inside ourselves to see how we can be a better person, because we are all one world.

-Where do you see the film industry going in the next 100 years?

Wow!  It’s staggering what occurred in the past century moving from silent motion pictures to the incorporation of sound and on to special effects.  Technology has been growing at an exponential rate and we are all trying to keep up.  The future holds endless possibilities and sparks expansion of thought and expression, compelling creators to reach beyond existing paradigms.  Each genre stimulates a different sense and culminates with a fulfillment that may not be available in any other aspect of life.  We hope that in 100 years these will be the tenets for future generations of filmmakers, to provide that escape, that much needed stress relief so that for a time, we can step into another world and truly be masters of our destiny. 
